Home Buyer Stories | Rosa Rosario

Rosa Rosario had always dreamed of owning a home. Many years after moving to the United States and raising her children to be successful adults, she wasn’t sure if owning a home was in her future. She was met with the challenges of raising her credit score and obtaining a mortgage until her daughter referred her to Northside Development Group. Northside Development Group is a community development partner of CommunityWorks, serving the Northside Community of Spartanburg through affordable housing opportunities and more.

After meeting with Lekesa Whitner, the Supportive Services Manager at Northside, Rosa said that “one thing after another fell into place.” Rosa began working with a realtor in the area and quickly fell in love with the perfect home for her. Thankfully, through the help of CommunityWorks and Northside, her dream of owning the new home became a reality.

Northside and CommunityWorks worked with Rosa to first connect her with the right lender and realtor, and then to provide downpayment assistance. Through the Home Buyer Assistance program at CommunityWorks, Rosa only had to pay $38.38 on the day she closed on her home.

When reflecting on the home buying process, Rosa said it was one of “the easiest, most painless things I’ve ever done.” While Rosa is thankful to finally have a home to herself, she understands that many people think owning a home is out of reach. As a single mother, Rosa thought it was out of reach too, until she received help from Northside Development Group and CommunityWorks. Now, Rosa’s dream of owning a home is her reality, and it can be yours too.

Read more about our Home Buyer Assistance program here. 

Read more about other successful home buyers here.