Other Ways to Give

Give By Check

Make checks payable to CommunityWorks and mail to:

PO Box 17826
Greenville, SC 29606

We can also accept check or credit card in person:

100 West Antrim Drive
Greenville, SC 29607

Impact Investing

Investing with CommunityWorks provides donors a unique opportunity to make socially minded investments into community outcomes while making a return on their investment. Impact investments provide capital to support CommunityWorks lending programs – including loans for affordable housing, small business, first time homebuyers and alternative payday loans for consumers.

Your investment will receive a fixed interest rate, earn interest, be repaid and directly benefit the community. Best of all, your investment transforms the lives of real families and real communities. Please email giving@cwcarolina.org to learn more about opportunities to give and invest.

Contact us to discuss other ways to give. Sponsorships, partner lending, referrals and more!