For Trucking, Transportation, and Logistics Business Consulting
Over the last 5 years, CommunityWorks has seen an increased demand for specialized coaching and training services to entrepreneurs that are seeking to either start, maintain, or expand a business in the trucking, transportation, and/or logistics industry. With this growth, we are looking for one or more providers than can provide specialized technical assistance, coaching, and training support to entrepreneurs in this unique industry area.
CommunityWorks provides these services to a diverse group of entrepreneurs and it is expected that the experience level of these entrepreneurs will range from more extensive technical assistance to limited support on targeted questions. CommunityWorks anticipates that the specialized support could include: understanding DOT, licenses, contracts, supply chain training, evaluating types of trucks/trailers/equipment, operating authorities, brokering, factoring, pricing, and insurance.
CommunityWorks expects this engagement to be no less than one year. The technical assistance and coaching services will be on an as needed basis as dictated by volume of clients. It is also expected that the consultant will provide at least two group trainings and/or workshops to cover the basics on running a trucking business and other common areas based on what the consultant has identified in working with their clients.
Respondents are requested to outline their all-inclusive hourly rate for providing the scope of services. Scope of services, proposal submission instruction, and more detail are listed in the pdf linked below. Submissions due by July 14th.